
Publikationen 2021

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Alkhalawi E, Orban E, Schramm S, Katsarava Z, Hoffmann B, Moebus S. Residential traffic noise exposure and headaches: Results from the population-based heinz nixdorf recall study. Noise Health. 2021;23(108):1-10.


Altgeld T, Bärninghausen T, Böhm C, Böhm K, De Bock F, Dierks M-L, Dragano N, Geene R, Geffert K, Geisel B, Gepp S, Gerhardus A, Hamouda O, Hoffmann W, Kuhn J, Kurth T, Loss J, Moebus S, Pfaff H, von Philipsborn P, Pospiech S, Razum O, Rexroth U, Thaiss H M, Thyen U, Tinnemann P, Wieler L H, Wildner M, Zeeb H, T Z. Eine Public-Health-Strategie für Deutschland. Sonderdruck Das Gesundheitswesen. 2021;83(5):3.


Andlauer TFM, Mühleisen TW, Hoffstaedter F, Teumer A, Wittfeld K, Teuber A, Reinbold CS, Grotegerd D, Bülow R, Caspers S, Dannlowski U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Kircher T, Minnerup H, Moebus S, Nenadić I, Teismann H, Völker U, Etkin A, Berger K, Grabe HJ, Nöthen MM, Amunts K, Eickhoff SB, Sämann PG, Müller-Myhsok B, Cichon S. Genetic factors influencing a neurobiological substrate for psychiatric disorders. Transl Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):192.


Baranyi G, Haselhoff T, Hornberg J, Moebus S, Braubach M. Case study compilation: lessons learned from redeveloping contaminated sites. In: World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, editor. Urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: a review of scientific evidence and practical knowledge on environmental and health issues. Regional Office for Europe: World Health Organization; 2021.


Bittner N, Jockwitz C, Franke K, Gaser C, Moebus S, Bayen UJ, Amunts K, Caspers S. When your brain looks older than expected: combined lifestyle risk and BrainAGE. Brain Struct Funct. 2021;226(3):621-45.


Casjens S, Johnen G, Raiko I, Pesch B, Taeger D, Töpfer C, Schonefeld S, Moebus S, Jöckel K-H, Brüning T, Weber D. Re-evaluation of potential predictors of calretinin and mesothelin in a population-based cohort study using assays for the routine application in clinical medicine. BMJ Open. 2021;11(2):e039079.


Dighe SG, Chen J, Yan L, He Q, Gharahkhani P, Onstad L, Levine DM, Palles C, Ye W, Gammon MD, Iyer PG, Anderson LA, Liu G, Wu AH, Dai JY, Chow WH, Risch HA, Lagergren J, Shaheen NJ, Bernstein L, Corley DA, Prenen H, deCaestecker J, MacDonald D, Moayyedi P, Barr H, Love SB, Chegwidden L, Attwood S, Watson P, Harrison R, Ott K, Moebus S, Venerito M, Lang H, Mayershofer R, Knapp M, Veits L, Gerges C, Weismüller J, Gockel I, Vashist Y, Nöthen MM, Izbicki JR, Manner H, Neuhaus H, Rösch T, Böhmer AC, Hölscher AH, Anders M, Pech O, Schumacher B, Schmidt C, Schmidt T, Noder T, Lorenz D, Vieth M, May A, Hess T, Kreuser N, Becker J, Ell C, Ambrosone CB, Moysich KB, MacGregor S, Tomlinson I, Whiteman DC, Jankowski J, Schumacher J, Vaughan TL, Madeleine MM, Hardie LJ, Buas MF. Germline variation in the insulin-like growth factor pathway and risk of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2021;42(3):369-77.


Djeudeu D, Moebus S, Ickstadt K. Multilevel Conditional Autoregressive models for longitudinal and spatially referenced epidemiological data. arXiv preprint arXiv:210810107. 2021.


Fiebig A, Schulte-Fortkamp B, Moebus S, Schreckenberg D, R. W, . Wie klingt die Stadt der Zukunft? AKUSTIK. 2021(Nr. 01/21).


Forstner AJ, Awasthi S, Wolf C, Maron E, Erhardt A, Czamara D, Eriksson E, Lavebratt C, Allgulander C, Friedrich N, Becker J, Hecker J, Rambau S, Conrad R, Geiser F, McMahon FJ, Moebus S, Hess T, Buerfent BC, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Kockum I, Olsson T, Alfredsson L, Weber H, Alpers GW, Arolt V, Fehm L, Fydrich T, Gerlach AL, Hamm A, Kircher T, Pané-Farré CA, Pauli P, Rief W, Ströhle A, Plag J, Lang T, Wittchen H-U, Mattheisen M, Meier S, Metspalu A, Domschke K, Reif A, Hovatta I, Lindefors N, Andersson E, Schalling M, Mbarek H, Milaneschi Y, de Geus EJC, Boomsma DI, Penninx BWJH, Thorgeirsson TE, Steinberg S, Stefansson K, Stefansson H, Müller-Myhsok B, Hansen TF, Børglum AD, Werge T, Mortensen PB, Nordentoft M, Hougaard DM, Hultman CM, Sullivan PF, Nöthen MM, Woldbye DPD, Mors O, Binder EB, Rück C, Ripke S, Deckert J, Schumacher J. Genome-wide association study of panic disorder reveals genetic overlap with neuroticism and depression. Molecular psychiatry. 2021;26(8):4179-90.


Forstner AJ, Karhoff K, Maaser-Hecker A, Streit F, Sivalingam S, Ludwig KU, Degenhardt F, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Witt SH, Maier W, Schulze TG, Albus M, Borrmann-Hassenbach M, Bauer M, Reif A, Moebus S, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Cichon S, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM. Contribution of Rare Variants to Bipolar Disorder Susceptibility. Biological Psychiatry. 2021;89(9, Supplement):S63-S4.


Gronewold J, Jokisch M, Schramm S, Jockwitz C, Miller T, Lehmann N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Caspers S, Hermann DM. Association of Blood Pressure, Its Treatment, and Treatment Efficacy With Volume of White Matter Hyperintensities in the Population-Based 1000BRAINS Study. Hypertension. 2021;78(5):1490-501.


Gronewold J, Kropp R, Lehmann N, Stang A, Mahabadi AA, Weimar C, Dichgans M, Moebus S, Kröger K, Hoffmann B, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Hermann DM. Population impact of different hypertension management guidelines based on the prospective population-based Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. BMJ Open. 2021;11(2):e039597. .


Hornberg J, Haselhoff T, Lawrence BT, Fischer JL, Ahmed S, Gruehn D, Moebus S. Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Noise Levels in Urban Areas—A Pre/during Comparison of Long-Term Sound Pressure Measurements in the Ruhr Area, Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(9):4653.


Hornung N, Frank M, Dragano N, Dürig J, Dührsen U, Moebus S, Erbel R, Stang A, Jöckel K-H, Schmidt B. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance is associated with prostate cancer in a population-based cohort study. Scientific reports. 2021;11(1):19266.


Icks A, Wittgens C, Haastert B, Jöckel KH, Engel M, Erbel R, Andrich S, Kruse J, Kulzer B, Hermanns N, Herder C, Moebus S, Stang A, Kowall B. High Depressive Symptoms in Previously Undetected Diabetes - 10-Year Follow-Up Results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2021;13:429-38.


Moebus S, Bödeker W. Case Fatality as an Indicator for the Human Toxicity of Pesticides—A Systematic Scoping Review on the Availability and Variability of Severity Indicators of Pesticide Poisoning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(16):8307.


Ohlwein S, Hennig F, Lucht S, Schmidt B, Eisele L, Arendt M, Dührsen U, Dürig J, Jöckel K-H, Moebus S, Hoffmann B. Air Pollution and Polyclonal Elevation of Serum Free Light Chains: An Assessment of Adaptive Immune Responses in the Prospective Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2021;129(2):027004.


Paldán K, Steinmetz M, Simanovski J, Rammos C, Ullrich G, Jánosi RA, Moebus S, Rassaf T, Lortz J. Supervised Exercise Therapy Using Mobile Health Technology in Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021;9(8):e24214.


Pechlivanis S, Jung D, Moebus S, Lehmann N, Mahabadi AA, Hoffmann P, Erbel R, Nöthen MM, Bachmann HS. Pharmacogenetic association of diabetes-associated genetic risk score with rapid progression of coronary artery calcification following treatment with HMG-CoA-reductase inhibitors -results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2021;394(8):1713-25.


Riedel N, Scheiner J, Jöckel K-H, Moebus S, Schüz B, Bolte G. Is older residents' exposure to road traffic noise associated with civic engagement for noise protection? A cross-sectional path analysis. Journal of Transport & Health. 2021;20:101007.


Sanchez Hoffmann S, Winkler A, Weimar C, Müller-Gerards D, Abramowski J, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Jokisch M. Blood pressure and cognitive decline - the impact of hypertension over one decade. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2021;28(4):528-42.


Schmiege D, Zacharias N, Sib E, Falkenberg T, Moebus S, Evers M, Kistemann T. Antibiotic resistance in wastewater from socio-spatially different communities. European Journal of Public Health. 2021;31(Supplement_3).


Schmiege D, Zacharias N, Sib E, Falkenberg T, Moebus S, Evers M, Kistemann T. Prevalence of multidrug-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in urban community wastewater. Science of The Total Environment. 2021;785:147269.


Schramm S, Schliephake L, Himpfen H, Caspers S, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Moebus S. Vitamin D and white matter hyperintensities: results of the population-based Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study and 1000BRAINS. Eur J Neurol. 2021;28(6):1849-58.


Schramm S, Tenhagen I, Schmidt B, Holle-Lee D, Naegel S, Katsarava Z, Jöckel KH, Moebus S. Prevalence and risk factors of migraine and non-migraine headache in older people - results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Cephalalgia. 2021;41(6):649-64.


Schröder J, Moebus S. Klimasensible Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung. Versorgungs-Report: Klima und Gesundheit. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 2021.


Seidler A, Hegewald J, Schubert M, Popp C, Moebus S. [Effects of Noise Protection Measures on Annoyance, Sleep Disorders, and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Model Calculation]. Gesundheitswesen. 2021;83(5):398-408.


Skodra J, Connop S, Tacnet J-M, Van Cauwenbergh N. Principles guiding NBS performance and impact evaluation. In: Dumitru A, Wendling L, editors. Evaluating the Impact of Nature-based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners. Brussels: European Commission; 2021.


Wendling L, Dumitru A, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Baldacchini C, Connop S, Dubovik M, Fermoso J, Hölscher K, Nadim F, Pilla F, Renaud F, Rhodes ML, San José E, Sánchez R, Skodra J, Tacnet J-M, Zulian G. Indicators of NBS performance and impact. In: Dumitru A, Wendling L, editors. Evaluating the Impact of Nature-based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners. Brussels: European Commission; 2021.


Zeng L, Moser S, Mirza-Schreiber N, Lamina C, Coassin S, Nelson CP, Annilo T, Franzén O, Kleber ME, Mack S, Andlauer TFM, Jiang B, Stiller B, Li L, Willenborg C, Munz M, Kessler T, Kastrati A, Laugwitz K-L, Erdmann J, Moebus S, Nöthen MM, Peters A, Strauch K, Müller-Nurasyid M, Gieger C, Meitinger T, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, März W, Metspalu A, Björkegren JLM, Samani NJ, Kronenberg F, Müller-Myhsok B, Schunkert H. Cis-epistasis at the LPA locus and risk of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular Research. 2021.