Publikationen (Hardt)


  1. Schweizer PA, Krause U, Becker R, Seckinger A, Bauer A, Hardt C, Eckstein V, Ho AD, Koenen M, Katus HA, Zehelein J. Atrial-radiofrequency catheter ablation mediated targeting of esenchymal stromal cells. Stem Cells. 2007 Jun;25(6):1546-51.
  1. Kumar M, Putzki N, Limmroth V, Remus R, Lindemann M, Knop D, Mueller N, Hardt C, Kreuzfelder E, Grosse-Wilde H. CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T lymphocytes fail to suppress myelin basic protein-induced proliferation in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol. 2006 Nov;180(1-2):178-84.
  1. Hardt C, Ferencik S, Tak R, Hoogerbrugge PM, Wagner V, Grosse-Wilde H. Sequence-based typing reveals a novel DLA-88 allele, DLA-88*04501, in a beagle family. Tissue Antigens. 2006 Feb;67(2):163-5.
  1. Kock D, Hardt C, JT Epplen, KP Sauer (2006) Patterns of sperm use in the scorpionfly Panorpa germanica L. (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Behav Ecol Sociobiol 2006 Aug;60(4):528-35
  1. Thude H, Hardt C, Schorner U, Ferencik S, Helfricht C, Barz D. Identification of a new HLA-B allele, HLA-B*4443, in a German family. Tissue Antigens. 2005 Dec;66(6):696-9.
  1. Böhringer S, Hardt C, Miterski B, Steland A, Epplen JT. Multilocus statistics to uncover epistasis and heterogeneity in complex diseases: revisiting a set of multiple sclerosis data. Eur J Hum Genet. 2003 Aug;11(8):573-84.
  1. Kunstmann E, Hardt C, Crabtree JE, Suerbaum S, Epplen JT. Helicobacter pylori infection: CagA-specific antibodies are associated with clinical outcome, but not with HLA-class II polymorphisms of the host. Int J Med Microbiol. 2003 Feb;292(7-8):537-40.
  1. Haupts M, Elias G, Hardt C, Langenbahn H, Obert H, Pöhlau D, Sczesni B, von Wussow P. [Quality of life in patients with remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis in Germany]. Nervenarzt. 2003 Feb;74(2):144-50.
  1. Hoffmann V, Hardt C. A null mutation in the CNTF gene is not associated with early onset of multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol. 2002 Dec;59(12):1974; author reply 1974-5..
  1. Hoffmann V, Pöhlau D, Przuntek H, Epplen JT, Hardt C. A null mutation within the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF)-gene: implications for susceptibility and disease severity in patients with multiple sclerosis. Genes Immun. 2002 Feb;3(1):53-5.
  1. Kunstmann E, Hardt C, Treitz H, Suerbaum S, Faller G, Peitz U, Schmiegel W, Epplen JT. In the European population HLA-class II genes are not associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2002 Jan;14(1):49-53.
  1. Mäueler W, Bassili G, Hardt C, Keyl HG, Epplen JT. A complex containing at least one zinc dependent HeLa nuclear protein binds to the intronic (gaa)(n) block of the frataxin gene. Gene. 2001 May 30;270(1-2):131-43.
  1. Haupts MR, Hardt C, Pöhlau D, Sczesni B, Elias W, Langenbahn H, Obert HJ, Wussow PV. Quality of life as a predictor for change in disability in MS. Neurology. 2001 May 8;56(9):1250.
  1. Bit-Avragim N, Perrot A, Schöls L, Hardt C, Kreuz FR, Zühlke C, Bubel S, Laccone F, Vogel HP, Dietz R, Osterziel KJ. The GAA repeat expansion in intron 1 of the frataxin gene is related to the severity of cardiac manifestation in patients with Friedreich's ataxia. J Mol Med. 2001 Feb;78(11):626-32.
  1. Miterski B, Jaeckel S, Epplen JT, Pöhlau D, Hardt C. The interferon gene cluster: a candidate region for MS predisposition? Multiple Sclerosis Study Group. Genes Immun. 1999 Sep;1(1):37-44.
  1. Vandenbroeck K, Hardt C, Louage J, Fiten P, Jäckel S, Ronsse I, Epplen JT, Grimaldi LM, Olsson T, Marrosu MG, Billiau A, Opdenakker G. Lack of association between the interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF1) locus at 5q31.1 and multiple sclerosis in Germany, northern Italy, Sardinia and Sweden. Genes Immun. 2000 Apr;1(4):290-2.
  1. Vandenbroeck K, Goris A, Billiau A, Opdenakker G, Hardt C. Interferon gamma gene in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet. 2000 Dec 23-30;356 (9248):2191-2.
  1. Launhardt K, Borries C, Hardt C, Epplen JT, Winkler P. Paternity analysis of alternative male reproductive routes among the langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) of Ramnagar. Anim Behav. 2001 Jan;61(1):53-64.
  1. Schulz JB, Dehmer T, Schöls L, Mende H, Hardt C, Vorgerd M, Bürk K, Matson W, Dichgans J, Beal MF, Bogdanov MB. Oxidative stress in patients with Friedreich ataxia. Neurology. 2000 Dec 12;55(11):1719-21.
  1. Krüger R, Hardt C, Tschentscher F, Jäckel S, Kuhn W, Müller T, Werner J, Woitalla D, Berg D, Kühnl N, Fuchs GA, Santos EJ, Przuntek H, Epplen JT, Schöls L, Riess O. Genetic analysis of immunomodulating factors in sporadic Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm. 2000 May;107(5):553-62.
  1. Kunstmann E, Hardt C, Elitok E, Harder M, Suerbaum S, Peitz U, Schmiegel W, Epplen JT. The nonfunctional allele TCRBV6S1B is strongly associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. Infect Immun. 2000 Nov;68(11):6493-5.
  1. Schöls L, Peters S, Szymanski S, Krüger R, Lange S, Hardt C, Riess O, Przuntek H. Extrapyramidal motor signs in degenerative ataxias. Arch Neurol. 2000 Oct;57(10):1495-500.
  1. Schöls L, Szymanski S, Peters S, Przuntek H, Epplen JT, Hardt C, Riess O. Genetic background of apparently idiopathic sporadic cerebellar ataxia. Hum Genet. 2000 Aug;107(2):132-7.
  1. Hebinck J, Hardt C, Schöls L, Vorgerd M, Briedigkeit L, Kahn CR, Ristow M. Heterozygous expansion of the GAA tract of the X25/frataxin gene is associated with insulin resistance in humans. Diabetes. 2000 Sep;49(9):1604-7.
  1. Vorgerd M, Schöls L, Hardt C, Ristow M, Epplen JT, Zange J. Mitochondrial impairment of human muscle in Friedreich ataxia in vivo. Neuromuscul Disord. 2000 Aug;10(6):430-5.
  1. Kaib M, Hacker M, Over I, Hardt C, Epplen JT, Bagine RK, Brandl R. Microsatellite loci in Macrotermes michaelseni (Isoptera: termitidae). Mol Ecol. 2000 Apr;9(4):502-4.
  1. Saumitou-Laprade P, Vassiliadis C Epplen JT, Hardt C. Isolation of microsatellite loci for paternity testing in Phillyrea angustifolia L. (Oleaceae). Mol Ecol. 2000 Jan;9(1):112-4.
  1. Tschentscher F, Kalt A, Hoffmann V, Epplen J, Hardt C. Identification and efficient genotyping of an (A)n/(T)m polymorphism within the 5' untranslated region of the human IL6 gene. Eur J Immunogenet. 2000 Feb;27(1):1-3.


Publication #29 to #72:  author Epplen C. is identical with author Hardt C

  1. Goris A, Epplen C, Fiten P, Andersson M, Murru R, Sciacca FL, Ronsse I, Jäckel S, Epplen JT, Marrosu MG, Olsson T, Grimaldi LM, Opdenakker G, Billiau A, Vandenbroeck K. Analysis of an IFN-gamma gene (IFNG) polymorphism in multiple sclerosis in Europe: effect of population structure on association with disease. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 1999 Sep;19(9):1037-46.
  1. Kunstmann E, Epplen C, Elitok E, Harder M, Suerbaum S, Peitz U, Schmiegel W, Epplen JT. Helicobacter pylori infection and polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor region. Electrophoresis. 1999 Jun;20(8):1756-61.
  1. Borries C, Launhardt K, Epplen C, Epplen JT, Winkler P. DNA analyses support the hypothesis that infanticide is adaptive in langur monkeys. Proc Biol Sci. 1999 May 7;266(1422):901-4.
  1. Luo H, Mörchen M, Engel CR, Destombe C Epplen JT, Epplen C, Saumitou-Laprade P, Valero M. Characterization of microsatellite markers in the red alga Gracilaria gracilis. Mol Ecol. 1999 Apr;8(4):700-2.
  1. Schneider-Stock R, Epplen JT, Walter H, Radig K, Rys J, Epplen C, Hoang-Vu C, Niezabitowski A, Roessner A. Telomeric lengths and telomerase activity in liposarcomas. Mol Carcinog. 1999 Feb;24(2):144-51.
  1. Husseneder C, Brandl R, Epplen C, Epplen JT, Kaib M. Within-colony relatedness in a termite species: Genetic roads to eusociality? Behaviour 1999 Oct;136(9):1045-1063.
  1. Borries, C., K. Launhardt, C Epplen, J.T. Epplen and P. Winkler (1999) Males as infant protectors in Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) living in multimale groups: defense pattern, paternity and sexual behaviour. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 1999 Oct;46(5):350-6.
  1. Sauer KP, Epplen C, Over I, Lubjuhn T, Schmidt A, Gerken T, Epplen JT. Molecular genetic analysis of remating frequencies and sperm competition in the scorpionfly Panorpa vulgaris (Imhoff and Labram). Behaviour 1999 Oct;136(9):1107-1121.
  1. Husseneder C, Brandl R, Epplen C, Epplen JT, Kaib M. Variation between and within colonies in the termite: morphology, genomic DNA and behaviour. Mol. Ecol. 1998 Aug;7(8): 983-990.
  1. Epplen C, Over I, Lubjuhn T, Epplen JT, Sauer KP. Genetic distinction of scorpionflies (Panorpa vulgaris) by microsatellites. Mol Ecol. 1998 Sep;7(9):1256-8.
  1. Launhardt K, Epplen C, Epplen JT, Winkler P. Amplification of microsatellites adapted from human systems in faecal DNA of wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). Electrophoresis. 1998 Jun;19(8-9):1356-61.
  1. Schneider-Stock R, Epplen C, Radig K, Oda Y, Dralle H, Hoang-Vu C Epplen JT, Roessner A. On telomere shortening in soft-tissue tumors. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 1998;124(3-4):165-71.
  1. Ristow M, Giannakidou E, Hebinck J, Busch K, Vorgerd M, Kotzka J, Knebel B, Mueller-Berghaus J, Epplen C, Pfeiffer A, Kahn CR, Doria A, Krone W, Mueller-Wieland D. An association between NIDDM and a GAA trinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the X25/frataxin (Friedreich's ataxia) gene. Diabetes. 1998 May;47(5):851-4.
  1. Schöls L, Amoiridis G, Przuntek H, Frank G, Epplen JT, Epplen C. Friedreich's ataxia. Revision of the phenotype according to molecular genetics. Brain. 1997 Dec;120 ( Pt 12):2131-40.
  1. Portsteffen H, Beyer A, Becker E, Epplen C, Pawlak A, Kunau WH, Dodt G. Human PEX1 is mutated in complementation group 1 of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders. Nat Genet. 1997 Dec;17(4):449-52.
  1. Epplen C, Epplen JT, Frank G, Miterski B, Santos EJ, Schöls L. Differential stability of the (GAA)n tract in the Friedreich ataxia (STM7) gene. Hum Genet. 1997 Jun;99(6):834-6.
  1. Santos EJ, Epplen JT, Epplen C. Extensive gene flow in human populations as revealed by protein and microsatellite DNA markers. Hum Hered. 1997 May-Jun;47(3):165-72.
  1. Epplen C, Jäckel S, Santos EJ, D'Souza M, Poehlau D, Dotzauer B, Sindern E, Haupts M, Rüde KP, Weber F, Stöver J, Poser S, Gehler W, Malin JP, Przuntek H, Epplen JT. Genetic predisposition to multiple sclerosis as revealed by immunoprinting. Ann Neurol. 1997 Mar;41(3):341-52.
  1. Epplen C, Santos EJ, Guerreiro JF, van Helden P, Epplen JT. Coding versus intron variability: extremely polymorphic HLA-DRB1 exons are flanked by specific composite microsatellites, even in distant populations. Hum Genet. 1997 Mar;99(3):399-406.
  1. Husseneder, C; Kaib, M; Epplen, C Epplen, JT; Brandl, R: Small-scale population structure of the termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus: Aggression modulated by genetic and environmental factors, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie, 1997 11:183-187.
  1. Kaib M, Husseneder C, Epplen C, Epplen JT, Brandl R. Kin-biased foraging in a termite. Proc R Soc Lond B. 1996 Nov; 263(1376): 1527-1532.
  1. Lubjuhn T, Epplen C, Epplen J. Multilocus fingerprinting and single locus analyses in the great tit for paternity determination. Electrophoresis. 1996 Oct;17(10):1555-8.
  1. Epplen C, Rumpf H, Albert E, Haas P, Truckenbrodt H, Epplen JT. Immunoprinting excludes many potential susceptibility genes as predisposing to early onset pauciarticular juvenile chronic arthritis except HLA class II and TNF. Eur J Immunogenet. 1995 Aug;22(4):311-22.
  1. Epplen C, Epplen JT. Efficient reidentification of chromosome slides from human metaphase spreads via microsatellite polymerase chain reaction. Chromosome Res. 1995 Mar;3(2):131-4.
  1. Gomolka M, Menninger H, Saal JE, Lemmel EM, Albert ED, Niwa O, Epplen JT, Epplen C. Immunoprinting: various genes are associated with increased risk to develop rheumatoid arthritis in different groups of adult patients. J Mol Med. 1995 Jan;73(1):19-29.
  1. Stein C, Schäfer M, Carter L, Czlonkowski A, Mousa S, Epplen C. Cytokine-Induced Antinociception Mediated by Opioids Released from Immune Cells. Regulatory Peptides. 1994 Feb;53(S1):191-92.
  1. Beye M, Moritz RF, Epplen C. Sex linkage in the honeybee Apis mellifera detected by multilocus DNA fingerprinting. Naturwissenschaften. 1994 Oct;81(10):460-2.
  1. Epplen C, Frank G, Gomolka M, Albert E, Nurnberg P, Epplen JT. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the human IL1A gene. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Sep;3(9):1710.
  1. Gomolka M, Hundrieser J, Nürnberg P, Roewer L, Epplen JT, Epplen C. Selected di- and tetranucleotide microsatellites from chromosomes 7, 12, 14, and Y in various Eurasian populations. Hum Genet. 1994 May;93(5):592-6.
  1. Epplen C, Frank G, Gomolka M, Nagy M, Nürnberg P, Epplen JT. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the IL2 and IL5RA genes. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Apr;3(4):679.
  1. Epplen C, Epplen JT. Expression of (cac)n/(gtg)n simple repetitive sequences in mRNA of human lymphocytes. Hum Genet. 1994 Jan;93(1):35-41.
  1. Riess O, Epplen C, Siedlaczck I, Epplen JT. Chromosomal assignment of the human smg GDP dissociation stimulator gene to human chromosome 4q21-q25. Hum Genet. 1993 Dec;92(6):629-30.
  1. Siedlaczck I, Epplen C, Riess O, Epplen JT. Simple repetitive (GAA)n loci in the human genome. Electrophoresis. 1993 Oct;14(10):973-7. 
  1. Schwaiger FW, Weyers E, Epplen C, Brün J, Ruff G, Crawford A, Epplen JT. The paradox of MHC-DRB exon/intron evolution: alpha-helix and beta-sheet encoding regions diverge while hypervariable intronic simple repeats coevolve with beta-sheet codons. J Mol Evol. 1993 Sep;37(3):260-72.
  1. Lubjuhn T, Epplen C, J. Brün J, Epplen JT. Multilocus fingerprinting using oligonucleotide probes reveals a highly polymorphic single locus system in great tits (Parus major). Molec Ecol. 1993 Aug;2(4): 269-70.
  1. Gomolka M, Epplen C, Buitkamp J, Epplen JT. Novel members and germline polymorphisms in the human T-cell receptor Vb6 family. Immunogenetics. 1993 Jan;37(4):257-65.
  2. Mitreiter R, Epplen C. Self-reactive and antigen-specific T cell clones derived from a HLA-DR4+/DR5+ donor: T cell receptors and MHC-restriction patterns. Immunobiology. 1992 Nov;186(3-4):315-26.
  1. Hampe J, Nürnberg P, Epplen C, Jahn S, Grunow R, Epplen JT. Oligonucleotide fingerprinting as a means to identify and survey long-term cultured B cell hybridomas and T cell lines. Hum Antibodies Hybridomas. 1992 Oct;3(4):186-90.
  1. Gomolka M, Schwaiger W, Weyers E, Epplen C, Buitkamp J, Epplen JT. Towards a fingerprint method covering the immunological genome. Electrophoresis. 1992 Sep-Oct;13(9-10):623-5.
  1. Przewlocki R, Hassan AH, Lason W, Epplen C, Herz A, Stein C. Gene expression and localization of opioid peptides in immune cells of inflamed tissue: functional role in antinociception. Neuroscience. 1992 May;48(2):491-500.
  1. Epplen C, Epplen JT. The human cDNA sequence homologous to the mouse MHC class I promoter-binding protein gene contains four additional codons in lymphocytes. Mamm Genome. 1992 Aug;3(8):472-5.
  1. Epplen C, Mitreiter R, Hatz H, Helmke K, Albert E, Epplen JT. [Induction of autoreactive T-cells by bacterial stress proteins in HLA-DR4 donors]. Immun Infekt. 1991 Apr;19(2):63-4.
  1. Nanda I, Zischler H, Epplen C, Guttenbach M, Schmid M. Chromosomal organization of simple repeated DNA sequences used for DNA fingerprinting. Electrophoresis. 1991 Feb-Mar;12(2-3):193-203.
  1. Nürnberg P, Roewer L, Neitzel H, Sperling K, Pöpperl A, Hundrieser J, Pöche H, Epplen C, Zischler H, Epplen JT. DNA fingerprinting with the oligonucleotide probe (CAC)5/(GTG)5: somatic stability and germline mutations. Hum Genet. 1989 Dec;84(1):75-8.
  1. Wagner H, Heeg K, Hardt C. Cross-linking of T-cell receptors is insufficient to induce IL-2 responsiveness (activation) in resting Lyt-2+ T cells. IL-4 or RIF are essential as second signal. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988 Aug;532:128-35.
  1. Hardt C. Activation of murine CD8+ lymphocytes: two distinct signals regulate c-myc and interleukin 2 receptor RNA expression. Eur J Immunol. 1987 Dec;17(12):1711-7.
  1. Epplen JT, Chluba J, Hardt C, Hinkkanen A, Steimle V, Stockinger H. Mammalian T-lymphocyte antigen receptor genes: genetic and nongenetic potential to generate variability. Hum Genet. 1987 Apr;75(4):300-10.
  1. Hardt C, Sato N, Wagner H. Functional and biochemical characteristics of a murine interleukin 2 receptor-inducing factor. Eur J Immunol. 1987 Feb;17(2):209-16.
  1. Heeg K, Steeg C, Hardt C, Wagner H. Identification of interleukin 2-producing T helper cells within murine Lyt-2+ T lymphocytes: frequency, specificity and clonal segregation from Lyt-2+ precursors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol. 1987 Feb;17(2):229-36.
  1. Hardt C, Fleischer S, Steinmetz M, Wagner H. Detection of rearranged T cell receptor beta-chain gene and induction of cytolytic function in interleukin 2-responsive day 14-15 murine fetal thymocytes. Eur J Immunol. 1986 Sep;16(9):1087-92.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C. Heterogeneity of the signal requirements during the primary activation of resting Lyt-2+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) precursors into clonally developing CTL. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1986;126:143-53.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Heeg K. [Mechanism of action of cyclosporin A]. Internist (Berl). 1985 Sep;26(9):530-3.
  1. Hardt C, Diamantstein T, Wagner H. Developmentally controlled expression of IL 2 receptors and of sensitivity to IL 2 in a subset of embryonic thymocytes. J Immunol. 1985 Jun;134(6):3891-4.
  1. Hardt C, Diamantstein T, Wagner H. Signal requirements for the in vitro differentiation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL): distinct soluble mediators promote preactivation of CTL-precursors, clonal growth and differentiation into cytotoxic effector cells. Eur J Immunol. 1985 May;15(5):472-8.
  1. Heeg K, Reimann J, Kabelitz D, Hardt C, Wagner H. A rapid colorimetric assay for the determination of IL-2-producing helper T cell frequencies. J Immunol Methods. 1985 Mar 18;77(2):237-46.
  1. Wagner H, Krönke M, Pfizenmaier K, Röllinghoff M, Scheurich P, Hardt C. Analysis of lymphokine producing T helper cells at the clonal level. Behring Inst Mitt. 1983 May;(72):73-7.
  1. Röllinghoff M, Scheurich P, Hardt C, Pfizenmaier K. Analysis of interleukin 2 receptor sites on activated T cells. Behring Inst Mitt. 1983 May;(72):67-72.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Rouse BT, Röllinghoff M, Scheurich P, Pfizenmaier K. Dissection of the proliferative and differentiative signals controlling murine cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. J Exp Med. 1982 Jun 1;155(6):1876-81
  1. Hardt C, Röllinghoff M, Pfizenmaier K, Mosmann H, Wagner H. Lyt-23+ cyclophosphamide-sensitive T cells regulate the activity of an interleukin 2 inhibitor in vivo. J Exp Med. 1981 Aug 1;154(2):262-74.
  1. Bunjes D, Hardt C, Röllinghoff M, Wagner H. Cyclosporin A mediates immunosuppression of primary cytotoxic T cell responses by impairing the release  of interleukin 1 and interleukin 2. Eur J Immunol. 1981 Aug;11(8):657-61.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Bartlett R, Stockinger H, Röllinghoff M, Rodt H, Pfizenmaier K. Frequency analysis of cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors in chimeric mice. Evidence for intrathymic maturation of clonally distinct self-major histocompatibility complex- and allo-major histocompatiblilty complex-restricted virus-specific T cells. J Exp Med. 1981 Jun 1;153(6):1517-32.
  1. Stockinger H, Pfizenmaier K, Hardt C, Rodt H, Röllinghoff M, Wagner H. H-2 restriction as a consequence of intentional priming: T cells of fully allogeneic chimeric mice as well as of normal mice respond to foreign antigens in the context of H-2 determinants not encountered on thymic epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Dec;77(12):7390-4.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Bartlett R, Röllinghoff M, Pfizenmaier K. Intrathymic differentiation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors. I. The CTL immunocompetence of peanut agglutinin-positive (cortical) and negative (medullary) Lyt 123 thymocytes. J Immunol. 1980 Dec;125(6):2532-8.
  1. Hardt C, Pfizenmaier K, Röllinghoff M, Klein J, Wagner H. Alloreactive and H-2-restricted Lyt 23 cytotoxic T lymphocytes derive from a common pool of antecedent Lyt 123 precursors. J Exp Med. 1980 Nov 1;152(5):1413-8.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Heeg K, Röllinghoff M, Pfizenmaier K. T-cell-derived helper factor allows in vivo induction of cytotoxic T cells in nu/nu mice. Nature. 1980 Mar 20;284(5753):278-8.
  1. Wagner H, Röllinghoff M, Pfizenmaier K, Hardt C, Johnscher G. T-T cell interactions during in vitro cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. II. Helper factor from activated Lyt 1+ T cells is rate limiting i) in T cell responses to nonimmunogenic alloantigen, ii) in thymocyte responses to allogeneic stimulator cells, and III) recruits allo- or H-2-restricted CTL precursors from the Lyt 123+ T subset. J Immunol. 1980 Mar;124(3):1058-67
  1. Wagner H, Röllinghoff M, Schawaller R, Hardt C, Pfizenmaier K. T-cell-derived helper factor allows Lyt 123 thymocytes to differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Nature. 1979 Aug 2;280(5721):405-6. 



  1. Haukim N, Bidwell JL, Smith AJ, Keen LJ, Gallagher G, Kimberly R, Huizinga T, McDermott MF, Oksenberg J, McNicholl J, Pociot F, Hardt C, D'Alfonso S. Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 2. Genes Immun. 2002 Sep;3(6):313-30.
  1. Bidwell J, Keen L, Gallagher G, Kimberly R, Huizinga T, McDermott MF, Oksenberg J, McNicholl J, Pociot F, Hardt C, D'Alfonso S. Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases, supplement 1. Genes Immun. 2001 Apr;2(2):61-70.
  1. Bidwell J, Keen L, Gallagher G, Kimberly R, Huizinga T, McDermott MF, Oksenberg J, McNicholl J, Pociot F, Hardt C, D'Alfonso S. Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases. Genes Immun. 1999 Sep;1(1):3-19.


Publication #4 to #14:  author Epplen C. is identical with author Hardt C

  1. Mäueler W, Bassili G, Epplen C, Keyl HG, Epplen JT. Protein binding to simple repetitive sequences depends on DNA secondary structure(s). Chromosome Res. 1999 Sep;7(3):163-6.
  1. Epplen C. Genetic components in autoimmune diseases. Internist (Berl). 1999 May;40(5):469-75.
  1. Jaeckel S, Epplen JT, Kauth M, Miterski B, Tschentscher F, Epplen C. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism or how to detect reliably and efficiently each sequence variation in many samples and many genes. Electrophoresis. 1998 Dec;19(18):3055-61.
  1. Pöhlau D, Aktas O, Epplen C, Hartung HP, Hoffmann V, Przuntek H. Promoting remyelination as a future therapeutic principle in multiple sclerosis?. Nervenarzt. 1998 Oct;69(10):841-50.
  1. Sauer KP, Lubjuhn T, Sindern J, Kullmann H, Kurtz J, Epplen C, Epplen JT. Mating systems and sexual selection in Panorpa-scorpionflies. Naturwissenschaften 1998 May;85(5): 219-28
  1. Epplen C, Santos EJ, Mäueler W, van Helden P, Epplen JT. On simple repetitive DNA sequences and complex diseases. Electrophoresis. 1997 Aug;18(9):1577-85.
  1. Epplen C, Buitkamp J, Rumpf H, D'Souza M, Epplen JT. Immunoprinting reveals different genetic bases for (auto)immuno diseases. Electrophoresis. 1995 Sep;16(9):1693-7.
  1. Epplen JT, Buitkamp J, Bocker T, Epplen C. Indirect gene diagnoses for complex (multifactorial) diseases--a review. Gene. 1995 Jun 14;159(1):49-55.
  1. Epplen JT, Buitkamp J, Epplen C, Mäueler W, Riess O. Indirect DNA/gene diagnoses via electrophoresis--an obsolete principle? Electrophoresis. 1995 May;16(5):683-90. BIS HIER
  1. Epplen JT, Mäueler W, Epplen C. Exploiting the informativity of 'meaningless'simple repetitive DNA from indirect gene diagnosis to multilocus genome scanning. Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler. 1994 Dec;375(12):795-801. Review. PubMed PMID: 7710693.
  1. Epplen JT, Melmer G, Schmidt P, Roewer L, Hundrieser J, Epplen C, Buitkamp J. On the potential of simple repetitive DNA for fingerprinting in clinical, forensic, and evolutionary dynamic studies. Clin Investig. 1992 Nov;70(11):1043-51.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Heeg K, Pfizenmaier K, Stötter H, Röllinghoff M. The in vivo effects of interleukin 2 (TCGF). Immunobiology. 1982 Mar;161(1-2):139-56.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Stockinger H, Pfizenmaier K, Bartlett R, Röllinghoff M. Impact of thymus on the generation of immunocompetence and diversity of antigen-specific MHC-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors. Immunol Rev. 1981;58:95-129.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C, Heeg K, Pfizenmaier K, Solbach W, Bartlett R, Stockinger H, Röllinghoff M. T-T cell interactions during cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses: T cell derived helper factor (Interleukin 2) as a probe to analyze CTL responsiveness and thymic maturation of CTL progenitors. Immunol Rev. 1980;51:215-55.



  1. Hardt C, Grosse-Wilde H. Grundlagen der Transplantationsimmunologie. In  Krukemeyer MG, Lison AE (Eds). Transplantationsmedizin - Ein Leitfaden für den Praktiker 1st ed. De Gruyter-Verlag, Berlin 2006 pp 1-23.
  1. Hardt C. Genetik und Umweltfaktoren. In Schmidt RM, Hoffmann F (Eds). Multiple Sklerose, 4rd ed. Urban & Fischer Verlag, München. 2006 pp19-32.
  1. Hardt C. Genetik der Multiplen Sklerose. In Limmroth V, Kastrup O (Eds). Therapieleitfaden Multiple Sklerose 2nd ed. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2003 pp 9-23.
  1. Hardt C. Genetik der Multiplen Sklerose. In Schmidt RM, Hoffmann F (Eds). Multiple Sklerose, 3rd ed. Urban & Fischer Verlag, München. 2001 pp12-18.


Publication #5 to #14:  author Epplen C. is identical with author Hardt C

  1. Epplen JT, Epplen C, Mäueler W. Various Levels of (Epi) Genetic Diversities as Demonstrable via Simple Repeated Sequences. In Epplen JT, Lubjuhn T (Eds) Methods and Tools in Biosciences and Medicine: DNA Profiling and Fingerprinting. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel Schweiz. 1999, pp 83-99
  1. Jäckel S, Epplen JT, Epplen C. PCR-SSCP: A Method for Reliably Detecting Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Multifactorial Diseases. In Epplen JT, Lubjuhn T (Eds) Methods and Tools in Biosciences and Medicine: DNA Profiling and Fingerprinting. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel Schweiz. 1999 pp. 167-176.
  1. Epplen C, Epplen JT. Multiple Sklerose. In Riess O Schöls L (Eds) Neurogenetik. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1998 pp. 135-155.
  1. Epplen JT, Buitkamp J, Epplen C, Gomolka M, Lubjuhn T, Mäueler W, Schwaiger FW (1994) DNA fingerprinting: Simple repeat loci as tools for genetic identification. In Herrmann, B, Hummel S (Eds.) Ancient DNA, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1994 pp. 13-30.
  1. Buitkamp J, Schwaiger W, Epplen C, Gomolka M, Weyers E, Epplen JT. Towards covering immunological genes with highly informative markers: a trans-species approach. In Pena SDJ, Chakraborty R, Epplen JT, Jeffreys AJ (Eds), DNA fingerprinting: State of the science, Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel, Schweiz. 1993;67:87-102
  1. Epplen C, Melmer G, Siedlaczck I, Schwaiger FW, Mäueler W, Epplen JT. On the essence of "meaningless" simple repetitive DNA in eukaryote genomes. In Pena SDJ, Chakraborty R, Epplen JT, Jeffreys AJ (Eds), DNA fingerprinting: State of the science. Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel, Schweiz. 1993;67:29-45.
  1. Stein C, Hassan AH, Przewlocki R, Epplen C, Gramsch C, Peter K, Herz A. Opioids from immune cells interact with receptors on sensory nerves to inhibit nociception in inflammation. In Faist E, Meakins J, Schildberg FW (Eds) Host Defence Dysfunction in Trauma Shock and Sepsis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1993 pp. 485-490.
  1. Epplen JT, Mäueler W, Buitkamp J, Gomolka M, Pirchner C, Roewer L, Schwaiger W, Epplen C. On hypervariable, simple repetitive DNA elements in eukaryote genomes: facts, functions, fictions.

  2. In Radola BJ (Ed) Elektrophorese Forum '91, Bode Verlag, München, pp. 97-108.
  1. Epplen JT, Ammer H, Epplen C, Kammerbauer C, Mitreiter R, Roewer L, Schwaiger W, Steimle V, Zischler H, Albert E, Andreas A, Beyermann B, Meyer W, Buitkamp J, Nanda I, Schmid M, Nürnberg P, Pena SDJ, Pöche H, Sprecher W, Schartl M, Weising K, Yassouridis A. Oligonucleotide fingerprinting using simple repeat motifs: a convenient, ubiquitously applicable method to detect hypervariability for multiple purposes. In Burke T, Dolf G, Jeffreys AJ, Wolff R (Eds) DNA Fingerprinting: Approaches and Applications. Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel, Schweiz 1991;58:50-69. 



  1. Epplen JT, Santos EJM, Mäueler W, Rousseau J, Helden v P, Epplen C. Simple repetitive DNA sequences: junk, tools or more? In Promega Corporation. Proc from the first European Symposium on Human Identification. 1997; pp 10-19.
  1. Wagner H, Heeg K, Hardt C. Multiple signals required in cytolytic T cell responses. In Brent L, Harborow J (Eds) Progress in Immunology VI, Academic Press, New York 1986; pp. 386-395.
  1. Wagner H, Hardt C. Signal requirements for the in vitro activation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors. In: Sorg C, Schimpl A (Eds.) Cellular and Molecular Biology of Lymphokines, Academic Press, Orlando 1985; pp.3-9.
  1. Pfizenmaier K, Hardt C, Barth D, Stockinger H, Röllinghoff M, Rodt H, Wagner H. In: Mechanism of Lymphocyte Activation, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 1982;pp. 267.