Publications (all)


  1. Pellegrini, M., Calzascia, T., Toe, J.G., Preston, S.P., Lin, A.E., Elford, A.R., Shahinian, A., Lang, P.A., Lang, K.S., Morre, M., Assouline, B., Lahl, K., Sparwasser, T., Tedder, T.F., Paik, J.H., Depinho, R.A., Basta, S., Ohashi, P.S. & Mak, T.W. IL-7 Engages Multiple Mechanisms to Overcome Chronic Viral Infection and Limit Organ Pathology. Cell Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print](2011).
  2. Navarini, A.A., Krzyzowska, M., Lang, K.S., Horvath, E., Hengartner, H., Niemialtowski, M.G. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Long-lasting immunity by early infection of maternal-antibody-protected infants. Eur J Immunol 40, 113-116 (2010).
  3. Lang, P.A., Recher, M., Honke, N., Scheu, S., Borkens, S., Gailus, N., Krings, C., Meryk, A., Kulawik, A., Cervantes-Barragan, L., Van Rooijen, N., Kalinke, U., Ludewig, B., Hengartner, H., Harris, N., Haussinger, D., Ohashi, P.S., Zinkernagel, R.M. & Lang, K.S. Tissue macrophages suppress viral replication and prevent severe immunopathology in an interferon-I-dependent manner in mice. Hepatology 52, 25-32 (2010).
  4. Lang, P.A., Merkler, D., Funkner, P., Shaabani, N., Meryk, A., Krings, C., Barthuber, C., Recher, M., Bruck, W., Haussinger, D., Ohashi, P.S. & Lang, K.S. Oxidized ATP inhibits T-cell-mediated autoimmunity. Eur J Immunol 40, 2401-2408 (2010).
  5. Gibbert, K., Dietze, K.K., Zelinskyy, G., Lang, K.S., Barchet, W., Kirschning, C.J. & Dittmer, U. Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid treatment of Friend retrovirus-infected mice improves functional properties of virus-specific T cells and prevents virus-induced disease. J Immunol 185, 6179-6189 (2010).
  6. Contaldo, C., Lindenblatt, N., Elsherbiny, A., Hogger, D.C., Borozadi, M.K., Vetter, S.T., Lang, K.S., Handschin, A.E. & Giovanoli, P. EPO REQUIRES ENOS TO COUNTERACT TNF-alpha INDUCED MICROCIRCULATORY DYSFUNCTION IN MURINE STRIATED MUSCLE. Shock (2010).
  7. Navarini, A.A., *Lang, K.S., Verschoor, A., Recher, M., Zinkernagel, A.S., Nizet, V., Odermatt, B., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Innate immune-induced depletion of bone marrow neutrophils aggravates systemic bacterial infections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106, 7107-7112 (2009).
  8. Lang, P.A., Kasinathan, R.S., Brand, V.B., Duranton, C., Lang, C., Koka, S., Shumilina, E., Kempe, D.S., Tanneur, V., Akel, A., Lang, K.S., Foller, M., Kun, J.F., Kremsner, P.G., Wesselborg, S., Laufer, S., Clemen, C.S., Herr, C., Noegel, A.A., Wieder, T., Gulbins, E., Lang, F. & Huber, S.M. Accelerated clearance of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes in sickle cell trait and annexin-A7 deficiency. Cell Physiol Biochem 24, 415-428 (2009).
  9. Lang, P.A., Cervantes-Barragan, L., Verschoor, A., Navarini, A.A., Recher, M., Pellegrini, M., Flatz, L., Bergthaler, A., Honda, K., Ludewig, B., Ohashi, P.S. & Lang, K.S. Hematopoietic cell-derived interferon controls viral replication and virus-induced disease. Blood 113, 1045-1052 (2009).
  10. Joly, S., Francke, M., Ulbricht, E., Beck, S., Seeliger, M., Hirrlinger, P., Hirrlinger, J., Lang, K.S., Zinkernagel, M., Odermatt, B., Samardzija, M., Reichenbach, A., Grimm, C. & Reme, C.E. Cooperative phagocytes: resident microglia and bone marrow immigrants remove dead photoreceptors in retinal lesions. Am J Pathol 174, 2310-2323 (2009).
  11. Cervantes-Barragan, L., Gil-Cruz, C., Pastelin-Palacios, R., Lang, K.S., Isibasi, A., Ludewig, B. & Lopez-Macias, C. TLR2 and TLR4 signaling shapes specific antibody responses to Salmonella typhi antigens. Eur J Immunol 39, 126-135 (2009).
  12. Wang, K., Mahmud, H., Foller, M., Biswas, R., Lang, K.S., Bohn, E., Gotz, F. & Lang, F. Lipopeptides in the triggering of erythrocyte cell membrane scrambling. Cell Physiol Biochem 22, 381-386 (2008).
  13. Lohning, M., Hegazy, A.N., Pinschewer, D.D., Busse, D., Lang, K.S., Hofer, T., Radbruch, A., Zinkernagel, R.M. & Hengartner, H. Long-lived virus-reactive memory T cells generated from purified cytokine-secreting T helper type 1 and type 2 effectors. J Exp Med 205, 53-61 (2008).
  14. Lang, P.A., Contaldo, C., Georgiev, P., El-Badry, A.M., Recher, M., Kurrer, M., Cervantes-Barragan, L., Ludewig, B., Calzascia, T., Bolinger, B., Merkler, D., Odermatt, B., Bader, M., Graf, R., Clavien, P.A., Hegazy, A.N., Lohning, M., Harris, N.L., Ohashi, P.S., Hengartner, H., Zinkernagel, R.M. & *Lang, K.S. Aggravation of viral hepatitis by platelet-derived serotonin. Nat Med 14, 756-761 (2008).
  15. Johansen, P., Storni, T., Rettig, L., Qiu, Z., Der-Sarkissian, A., Smith, K.A., Manolova, V., Lang, K.S., Senti, G., Mullhaupt, B., Gerlach, T., Speck, R.F., Bot, A. & Kundig, T.M. Antigen kinetics determines immune reactivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 5189-5194 (2008).
  16. Ittner, L.M., Schwerdtfeger, K., Kunz, T.H., Muff, R., Husmann, K., Grimm, C., Hafezi, F., Lang, K.S., Kurrer, M.O., Gotz, J., Born, W. & Fischer, J.A. Transgenic mice with ocular overexpression of an adrenomedullin receptor reflect human acute angle-closure glaucoma. Clin Sci (Lond) 114, 49-58 (2008).
  17. Heikenwalder, M., Prinz, M., Zeller, N., Lang, K.S., Junt, T., Rossi, S., Tumanov, A., Schmidt, H., Priller, J., Flatz, L., Rulicke, T., Macpherson, A.J., Hollander, G.A., Nedospasov, S.A. & Aguzzi, A. Overexpression of lymphotoxin in T cells induces fulminant thymic involution. Am J Pathol 172, 1555-1570 (2008).
  18. Falk, S., Wurdak, H., Ittner, L.M., Ille, F., Sumara, G., Schmid, M.T., Draganova, K., Lang, K.S., Paratore, C., Leveen, P., Suter, U., Karlsson, S., Born, W., Ricci, R., Gotz, M. & Sommer, L. Brain area-specific effect of TGF-beta signaling on Wnt-dependent neural stem cell expansion. Cell Stem Cell 2, 472-483 (2008).
  19. Recher, M., *Lang, K.S., Navarini, A., Hunziker, L., Lang, P.A., Fink, K., Freigang, S., Georgiev, P., Hangartner, L., Zellweger, R., Bergthaler, A., Hegazy, A.N., Eschli, B., Theocharides, A., Jeker, L.T., Merkler, D., Odermatt, B., Hersberger, M., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Extralymphatic virus sanctuaries as a consequence of potent T-cell activation. Nat Med 13, 1316-1323 (2007).
  20. Lotscher, M., Recher, M., Lang, K.S., Navarini, A., Hunziker, L., Santimaria, R., Glatzel, M., Schwarz, P., Boni, J. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Induced prion protein controls immune-activated retroviruses in the mouse spleen. PLoS ONE 2, e1158 (2007).
  21. Lang, K.S., Navarini, A.A., Recher, M., Lang, P.A., Heikenwalder, M., Stecher, B., Bergthaler, A., Odermatt, B., Akira, S., Honda, K., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. MyD88 protects from lethal encephalitis during infection with vesicular stomatitis virus. Eur J Immunol 37, 2434-2440 (2007).
  22. Lang, K.S., Hegazy, A.N., Lang, P.A., Eschli, B., Lohning, M., Hengartner, H., Zinkernagel, R.M. & Recher, M. "Negative vaccination" by specific CD4 T cell tolerisation enhances virus-specific protective antibody responses. PLoS ONE 2, e1162 (2007).
  23. Georgiev, P., Navarini, A.A., Eloranta, J.J., Lang, K.S., Kullak-Ublick, G.A., Nocito, A., Dahm, F., Jochum, W., Graf, R. & Clavien, P.A. Cholestasis protects the liver from ischaemic injury and post-ischaemic inflammation in the mouse. Gut 56, 121-128 (2007).
  24. Eschli, B., Zellweger, R.M., Wepf, A., Lang, K.S., Quirin, K., Weber, J., Zinkernagel, R.M. & Hengartner, H. Early antibodies specific for the neutralizing epitope on the receptor binding subunit of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein fail to neutralize the virus. J Virol 81, 11650-11657 (2007).
  25. Cervantes-Barragan, L., Zust, R., Weber, F., Spiegel, M., Lang, K.S., Akira, S., Thiel, V. & Ludewig, B. Control of coronavirus infection through plasmacytoid dendritic-cell-derived type I interferon. Blood 109, 1131-1137 (2007).
  26. Navarini, A.A., Recher, M., Lang, K.S., Georgiev, P., Meury, S., Bergthaler, A., Flatz, L., Bille, J., Landmann, R., Odermatt, B., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Increased susceptibility to bacterial superinfection as a consequence of innate antiviral responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103, 15535-15539 (2006).
  27. Kempe, D.S., Lang, P.A., Duranton, C., Akel, A., Lang, K.S., Huber, S.M., Wieder, T. & Lang, F. Enhanced programmed cell death of iron-deficient erythrocytes. FASEB J 20, 368-370 (2006).
  28. Fink, K., Lang, K.S., Manjarrez-Orduno, N., Junt, T., Senn, B.M., Holdener, M., Akira, S., Zinkernagel, R.M. & Hengartner, H. Early type I interferon-mediated signals on B cells specifically enhance antiviral humoral responses. Eur J Immunol 36, 2094-2105 (2006).
  29. Dahm, F., Nocito, A., Bielawska, A., Lang, K.S., Georgiev, P., Asmis, L.M., Bielawski, J., Madon, J., Hannun, Y.A. & Clavien, P.A. Distribution and dynamic changes of sphingolipids in blood in response to platelet activation. J Thromb Haemost 4, 2704-2709 (2006).
  30. *Lang, K.S., Georgiev, P., Recher, M., Navarini, A.A., Bergthaler, A., Heikenwalder, M., Harris, N.L., Junt, T., Odermatt, B., Clavien, P.A., Pircher, H., Akira, S., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Immunoprivileged status of the liver is controlled by Toll-like receptor 3 signaling. J Clin Invest 116, 2456-2463 (2006).
  31. Wurdak, H., Ittner, L.M., Lang, K.S., Leveen, P., Suter, U., Fischer, J.A., Karlsson, S., Born, W. & Sommer, L. Inactivation of TGFbeta signaling in neural crest stem cells leads to multiple defects reminiscent of DiGeorge syndrome. Genes Dev 19, 530-535 (2005).
  32. Lang, K.S., Recher, M., Navarini, A.A., Freigang, S., Harris, N.L., van den Broek, M., Odermatt, B., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Requirement for neutralizing antibodies to control bone marrow transplantation-associated persistent viral infection and to reduce immunopathology. J Immunol 175, 5524-5531 (2005).
  33. *Lang, K.S., Recher, M., Navarini, A.A., Harris, N.L., Lohning, M., Junt, T., Probst, H.C., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Inverse correlation between IL-7 receptor expression and CD8 T cell exhaustion during persistent antigen stimulation. Eur J Immunol 35, 738-745 (2005).
  34. *Lang, K.S., Recher, M., Junt, T., Navarini, A.A., Harris, N.L., Freigang, S., Odermatt, B., Conrad, C., Ittner, L.M., Bauer, S., Luther, S.A., Uematsu, S., Akira, S., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Toll-like receptor engagement converts T-cell autoreactivity into overt autoimmune disease. Nat Med 11, 138-145 (2005).
  35. Recher, M., *Lang, K.S., Hunziker, L., Freigang, S., Eschli, B., Harris, N.L., Navarini, A., Senn, B.M., Fink, K., Lotscher, M., Hangartner, L., Zellweger, R., Hersberger, M., Theocharides, A., Hengartner, H. & Zinkernagel, R.M. Deliberate removal of T cell help improves virus-neutralizing antibody production. Nat Immunol 5, 934-942 (2004).
  36. Lang, K.S., Myssina, S., Lang, P.A., Tanneur, V., Kempe, D.S., Mack, A.F., Huber, S.M., Wieder, T., Lang, F. & Duranton, C. Inhibition of erythrocyte phosphatidylserine exposure by urea and Cl. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 286, F1046-1053 (2004).
  37. Lang, K.S., Myssina, S., Brand, V., Sandu, C., Lang, P.A., Berchtold, S., Huber, S.M., Lang, F. & Wieder, T. Involvement of ceramide in hyperosmotic shock-induced death of erythrocytes. Cell Death Differ 11, 231-243 (2004).
  38. Huber, S.M., Duranton, C., Henke, G., Van De Sand, C., Heussler, V., Shumilina, E., Sandu, C.D., Tanneur, V., Brand, V., Kasinathan, R.S., Lang, K.S., Kremsner, P.G., Hubner, C.A., Rust, M.B., Dedek, K., Jentsch, T.J. & Lang, F. Plasmodium induces swelling-activated ClC-2 anion channels in the host erythrocyte. J Biol Chem 279, 41444-41452 (2004).
  39. Grau, R., Lang, K.S., Wernet, D., Lang, P., Niethammer, D., Pusch, C.M. & Handgretinger, R. Cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells lacking killer-inhibitory receptors for self-HLA class I molecules against autologous hematopoietic stem cells in healthy individuals. Exp Mol Pathol 76, 90-98 (2004).
  40. Myssina, S., Huber, S.M., Birka, C., Lang, P.A., Lang, K.S., Friedrich, B., Risler, T., Wieder, T. & Lang, F. Inhibition of erythrocyte cation channels by erythropoietin. J Am Soc Nephrol 14, 2750-2757 (2003).
  41. Lang, K.S., Weigert, C., Braedel, S., Fillon, S., Palmada, M., Schleicher, E., Rammensee, H.G. & Lang, F. Inhibition of interferon-gamma expression by osmotic shrinkage of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 284, C200-208 (2003).
  42. Lang, K.S., Myssina, S., Tanneur, V., Wieder, T., Huber, S.M., Lang, F. & Duranton, C. Inhibition of erythrocyte cation channels and apoptosis by ethylisopropylamiloride. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 367, 391-396 (2003).
  43. Lang, K.S., Mueller, M.M., Tanneur, V., Wallisch, S., Fedorenko, O., Palmada, M., Lang, F., Broer, S., Heilig, C.W., Schleicher, E. & Weigert, C. Regulation of cytosolic pH and lactic acid release in mesangial cells overexpressing GLUT1. Kidney Int 64, 1338-1347 (2003).
  44. Lang, K.S., Duranton, C., Poehlmann, H., Myssina, S., Bauer, C., Lang, F., Wieder, T. & Huber, S.M. Cation channels trigger apoptotic death of erythrocytes. Cell Death Differ 10, 249-256 (2003).
  45. Lang, K., Wagner, C., Haddad, G., Burnekova, O. & Geibel, J. Intracellular pH activates membrane-bound Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and vacuolar H(+)-ATPase in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Cell Physiol Biochem 13, 257-262 (2003).
  46. Lampert, A., Muller, M.M., Berchtold, S., Lang, K.S., Palmada, M., Dobrovinskaya, O. & Lang, F. Effect of dexamethasone on voltage-gated K+ channels in Jurkat T-lymphocytes. Pflugers Arch 447, 168-174 (2003).
  47. Duranton, C., Huber, S., Tanneur, V., Lang, K., Brand, V., Sandu, C. & Lang, F. Electrophysiological properties of the Plasmodium Falciparum-induced cation conductance of human erythrocytes. Cell Physiol Biochem 13, 189-198 (2003).
  48. Brand, V.B., Sandu, C.D., Duranton, C., Tanneur, V., Lang, K.S., Huber, S.M. & Lang, F. Dependence of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro growth on the cation permeability of the human host erythrocyte. Cell Physiol Biochem 13, 347-356 (2003).
  49. Lang, K.S., Roll, B., Myssina, S., Schittenhelm, M., Scheel-Walter, H.G., Kanz, L., Fritz, J., Lang, F., Huber, S.M. & Wieder, T. Enhanced erythrocyte apoptosis in sickle cell anemia, thalassemia and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Cell Physiol Biochem 12, 365-372 (2002).
  50. Lang, K.S., Moris, A., Gouttefangeas, C., Walter, S., Teichgraber, V., Miller, M., Wernet, D., Hamprecht, K., Rammensee, H.G. & Stevanovic, S. High frequency of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-specific CD8+ T cells detected in a healthy CMV-seropositive donor. Cell Mol Life Sci 59, 1076-1080 (2002).
  51. Lang, K.S., Fillon, S., Schneider, D., Rammensee, H.G. & Lang, F. Stimulation of TNF alpha expression by hyperosmotic stress. Pflugers Arch 443, 798-803 (2002).
  52. Lang, K.S., Caroli, C.C., Muhm, A., Wernet, D., Moris, A., Schittek, B., Knauss-Scherwitz, E., Stevanovic, S., Rammensee, H.G. & Garbe, C. HLA-A2 restricted, melanocyte-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes detected in vitiligo patients are related to disease activity and are predominantly directed against MelanA/MART1. J Invest Dermatol 116, 891-897 (2001).
  53. Lang, F., Madlung, J., Bock, J., Lukewille, U., Kaltenbach, S., Lang, K.S., Belka, C., Wagner, C.A., Lang, H.J., Gulbins, E. & Lepple-Wienhues, A. Inhibition of Jurkat-T-lymphocyte Na+/H+-exchanger by CD95(Fas/Apo-1)-receptor stimulation. Pflugers Arch 440, 902-907 (2000).



  1. Lang, P.A., Recher, M., Haussinger, D. & Lang, K.S. Genes determining the course of virus persistence in the liver: lessons from murine infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Cell Physiol Biochem 26, 263-272 (2010).
  2. Lang, K.S. Host mechanisms in viral hepatitis. Dig Dis 28, 25-30 (2010).
  3. Lang, K.S., Burow, A., Kurrer, M., Lang, P.A. & Recher, M. The role of the innate immune response in autoimmune disease. J Autoimmun 29, 206-212 (2007).
  4. Lang, F., Foller, M., Lang, K., Lang, P., Ritter, M., Vereninov, A., Szabo, I., Huber, S.M. & Gulbins, E. Cell volume regulatory ion channels in cell proliferation and cell death. Methods Enzymol 428, 209-225 (2007).
  5. Recher, M. & Lang, K.S. Innate (over)immunity and adaptive autoimmune disease. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 305, 89-104 (2006).
  6. Lang, F., Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A., Huber, S.M. & Wieder, T. Osmotic shock-induced suicidal death of erythrocytes. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 187, 191-198 (2006).
  7. Lang, F., Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A., Huber, S.M. & Wieder, T. Mechanisms and significance of eryptosis. Antioxid Redox Signal 8, 1183-1192 (2006).
  8. Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A., Bauer, C., Duranton, C., Wieder, T., Huber, S.M. & Lang, F. Mechanisms of suicidal erythrocyte death. Cell Physiol Biochem 15, 195-202 (2005).
  9. Lang, F., Foller, M., Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A., Ritter, M., Gulbins, E., Vereninov, A. & Huber, S.M. Ion channels in cell proliferation and apoptotic cell death. J Membr Biol 205, 147-157 (2005).
  10. Recher, M., Hunziker, L., Ciurea, A., Harris, N. & Lang, K.S. Public, private and non-specific antibodies induced by non-cytopathic viral infections. Curr Opin Microbiol 7, 426-433 (2004).
  11. Lang, F., Lang, P.A., Lang, K.S., Brand, V., Tanneur, V., Duranton, C., Wieder, T. & Huber, S.M. Channel-induced apoptosis of infected host cells-the case of malaria. Pflugers Arch 448, 319-324 (2004).
  12. Lang, F., Gulbins, E., Szabo, I., Lepple-Wienhues, A., Huber, S.M., Duranton, C., Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A. & Wieder, T. Cell volume and the regulation of apoptotic cell death. J Mol Recognit 17, 473-480 (2004).
  13. Lang, F., Birka, C., Myssina, S., Lang, K.S., Lang, P.A., Tanneur, V., Duranton, C., Wieder, T. & Huber, S.M. Erythrocyte ion channels in regulation of apoptosis. Adv Exp Med Biol 559, 211-217 (2004).
  14. Lang, F., Lang, K.S., Wieder, T., Myssina, S., Birka, C., Lang, P.A., Kaiser, S., Kempe, D., Duranton, C. & Huber, S.M. Cation channels, cell volume and the death of an erythrocyte. Pflugers Arch 447, 121-125 (2003).