
Timo Haselhoff



+49 (0) 201 / 723 77 - 217


Education & Career


Researcher and doctoral candidate at the Institute for Urban Public Health (former Centre for urban Epidemiology), Germany


M.A. Survey Methodology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


B.A. Sociology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


SALVE+ - Application of psycho- and ecoacoustic indices to the urban soundscape of the city of Bochum. Analysis of spatially and temporally high-resolution Audio recordings

KI- LiveS - AI laboratory for distributed and embedded Systems

AcouStic QuAlity and HeaLth in Urban EnVironmEnts (SALVE) - Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Spaces - Analysis of the Association of Soundscapes and Health

Conferences and Presentations

DAGA 2022 - 48th Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2022, Stuttgart, Germany:

The urban acoustic environment through time and space - An analysis of the SALVE study.


Webinar on environmental and health impacts of redeveloping contaminated sites, 2020:

Case study compilation and local experiences on redeveloping contaminated sites.


FUTURE FORUM: Building Biopolis, 2020:

Acoustic Quality in the urban environment. The SALVE Project


Annual Conference of the German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) in Düsseldorf - "New ideas for better health" September 16-18, 2019:

Akustische Qualität und Gesundheit in städtischen Umgebungen - Das SALVE-Projekt


  • Haselhoff T, Lawrence B, Hornberg J, Ahmed S, Sutcliffe R, Gruehn D, Moebus S. The acoustic quality and health in urban environments (SALVE) project: Study design, rationale and methodology. Applied Acoustics. 2022;188:108538.
  • Lawrence BT, Hornberg J, Haselhoff T, Sutcliffe R, Ahmed S, Moebus S, Gruehn D. A widened array of metrics (WAM) approach to characterize the urban acoustic environment; a case comparison of urban mixed-use and forest. Applied Acoustics. 2022;185:108387.
  • Baranyi G, Haselhoff T, Hornberg J, Moebus S, Braubach M. Case study compilation: lessons learned from redeveloping contaminated sites. In: World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, editor. Urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: a review of scientific evidence and practical knowledge on environmental and health issues. Regional Office for Europe: World Health Organization; 2021.
  • Hornberg J, Haselhoff T, Lawrence BT, Fischer JL, Ahmed S, Gruehn D, Moebus S. Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Noise Levels in Urban Areas—A Pre/during Comparison of Long-Term Sound Pressure Measurements in the Ruhr Area, Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(9):4653.
  • Moebus S, Gruehn D, Poppen J, Sutcliffe R, Haselhoff T, Lawrence B. Akustische Qualität und Stadtgesundheit – Mehr als nur Lärm und Stille. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. 2020;63(8):997-1003.
  • Moebus S, Sutcliffe R, Lawrence B, Ahmed S, Haselhoff T, Gruehn D. Acoustic quality and health in urban environments – The SALVE Project. 24th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society; 2019; Karlsruhe: CORP–Compentence Center of Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Sutcliffe R, Lawrence BT, Poppen J, Ahmed S, Haselhoff T, Gruehn D, Moebus S. Acoustic quality and health in urban environments – First methodological experiences of the pilot study SALVE. 23rd International congress of acoustics; 2019; Aachen: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.